Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Learning the Greek Alphabet

Ancient Greek was the language of the southern Balkan peninsula the area now known as Greece, from approximately 9,000 BC to 600 AD. Like Latin, it uses inflected endings, tags added to the ends of words to tell you the word's "job" in the sentence.

 For background on how ancient languages with inflected endings work, see my "Latin vs. English" series: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.

Today's assignment is to begin learning the alphabet. I am going to send you over to YouTube where there are two slightly corny but effective videos available:

Learn the Greek Alphabet in 10 Minutes

Greek Alphabet Song

BTW, the pronunciation on the second video is fine, in my opinion. The commenters seem to have it mixed up with modern Greek pronunciation, which is considerably different.

χαῖρε ! (Ancient Greek for "goodbye")

Next up: practice with reading and transliteration (moving between one alphabet and the other) Pin It

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