Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

Propertius and Cynthia by Vinchon,
via Wikimedia Commons

Sunt aliquid Manes: letum non omnia finit, 
  luridaque euictos effugit umbra rogos.
Cynthia namque meo uisa est incumbere fulcro, 
  murmur ad extremae nuper humata uiae, 
cum mihi somnus ab exsequiis penderet amoris,
  et quererer lecti frigida regna mei. 

There are ghosts: death does not finish everything,
a pale shade flees from the conquered pyre.
For Cynthia I saw leaning over my bed,
Recently buried beside the noise of the outer road,
When sleep hung over me after love's final rites,
And I complained of the cold kingdom of my bed.

-Propertius IV.7
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