Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Cool Greek word

homophrosune, "unity of mind and feeling"

σοὶ δὲ θεοὶ τόσα δοῖεν, ὅσα φρεσὶ σῇσι μενοινᾷς,
ἄνδρα τε καὶ οἶκον, καὶ ὁμοφροσύνην ὀπάσειαν

And may the gods grant you whatever you desire in your heart,
a husband and a home, and may they bestow unity of mind and feeling,
an excellent thing (Od. 6.180-181)

This is the kind of word I would consider putting inside my new wedding band (I lost the old one somewhere in my apartment last week). But I start thinking about explaining a Greek inscription to a jeweler in my remote Midwestern locale, and my head hurts :)

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