Thursday, January 10, 2013

Keeping up with the (Indiana) Joneses

A couple of stories to remind us that there's more to scholarship than verb tenses:

1) The Roman shipwreck where the Antikythera mechanism was discovered is about to be re-explored. Apparently there are several large calcified boulders on the sea bed, out of reach of the original expedition, that look exactly like the mechanism did before it was recovered. Marine archaeologist Theotokis Theodolou says tantalizingly, "this was not a normal ship."

2) From the Globe and Mail, a story about the heroic scholars who are going undercover into Timbuktu to save ancient African manuscripts. The facility where many of the texts are held has been turned into a base for Islamist rebels. In surely the understatement of the year, a researcher terms it a "big setback for the institute."

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