Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A 'Business Humanities' major

Worst Professor Ever had a great post recently, 'You Gonna Use That?', about the misperceptions people have about humanities degrees. As she wrote in the comments section, "it seems the humanities are targeted as “teaching-only” or “caring about narrow subject only” more than other disciplines."

This reminded me of something I've been thinking about for a while: a 'business humanities' major (or minor). Because really, if you ask a typical college student to volunteer for the kind of pigeonholing touched on in WPO's post, many of them might not be interested in a traditional humanities major. And I can't blame them. So let them get the credential that might help them get a job, and also have them take extra foreign language, art, literature, etc. Then give them a term like 'business humanities' that recognizes their efforts at being well-rounded (something employers are supposed to like).

In some sense it would be just a way of restoring the stricter general ed requirements from an earlier time in higher ed, but so what? Those requirements aren't coming back anytime soon. Let's force fewer people to choose between Truth, Beauty and A Decent Standard of Living After College.

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