Monday, January 7, 2013

College Misery: 'An Open Letter to My Spring Students'

College Misery can be over the top, but this entry is both funny and (based on my experience) accurate:

An Open Letter to My Spring Students....
Dear Flakes,
Hi. I've been getting your panicky emails ever since Christmas. Me, too; I'm nervous too!
Here are answers to the top 10 questions:
1. Yes, our MW class meets every Monday and every Wednesday, including the first Monday and Wednesday of the semester. Crazy! 
2.The books are in a building on campus called the bookstore. Take your registration slip, which shows your class number and section, and then move through space and time until you find a stack of books for your class. Buy those. Bring them. 
3. No, I didn't know what a great English teacher you had in high school. It should make our job even easier 
4. If I knew if it was going to snow next week, I'd be on channel 1 
5. It depends. If your class time is 8-9:20 am, then we start at 8 and end at 9:20. If it's another time, then follow the rules set down by the ancient Italian timekeeper Casio Timex and meet me in your classroom AT THOSE TIMES.

Read the whole thing. #1 and #5 sound like the kind of thing that should be made up, but aren't. Strangely, I don't think college students are too stupid to work out when their classes meet (usually), it's just that some of them think they look extra dedicated if they check every tiny basic detail with their profs.
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