Sunday, June 5, 2011

Greek and Latin in the News: A tutor for Apple and Moses

Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin would like a tutor who knows Latin, Greek, French and Spanish to tutor their seven-year-old daughter Apple and five-year-old son Moses. Apparently Chris Martin graduated from University College London with First Class Honors in Greek and Latin, the equivalent of a summa cum laude. Luckily he met he future bandmates in college, so he was able to launch a practical career :)

I would love to hear them discuss why they want their elementary-school age children to learn Latin and Greek. I think it is great, as long as it is presented in an age-appropriate way. I bet, as entertainers and 'creative' people, they would be more articulate about the value of studying classics than many professors sometimes are.

Update: Disappointingly, the ad turned out to be fake. Pin It

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