Tuesday, August 30, 2011

'Helen of Troy' is a bit of a snooze (spoilers)

via Wikimedia Commons
I was thrilled when I saw Margaret George's new novel Helen of Troy at the bookstore. Her the Autobiography of Henry VIII was possibly the first work of historical fiction I ever read (unless the Mists of Avalon counts).

The book is great on Helen's girlhood, with a strong sense of the traditions that govern young adulthood in the ancient world. The race for unmarried girls Helen holds to celebrate the end of her childhood, the ritual hospitality offered to suitors -- I was so into all that.

As soon as she marries it turns dull. She and Menelaus consummate their marriage and she isn't into it, because she forgot to pray to Aphrodite on her wedding eve (surely there could have been a little bit cooler reason than a brain blip?). One of her maids randomly tries to poison her. Bleh.

It's gotten a little bit better since Paris turned up, so I've got my fingers crossed. Pin It

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