Monday, August 29, 2011

The Middle Ages at Classics Daily

Matthew Paris' self-portrait
The classics news has been dull lately, so I've decided to start keeping up with the middle ages. Anyway, I like the middle ages, as my fondness for Elizabeth Chadwick will attest.

So, in medieval news this evening ...

A collection of medieval manuscripts is on view at the British Library. I love the detail and richness of medieval art (The fact that it is combined with a total inability to do realistic portraiture only makes it more charming):
 a 13th century map by Matthew Paris, one of the foremost English historians of the Middle Ages, plots the pilgrimage route from London through France and Italy to Jerusalem, finishing with a map of the Holy Land featuring crusaders' castles, churches, and even a camel. 
I have to share another favorite medieval painting of the Visitation, where Mary looks like she is pooching out her stomach to look extra pregnant (but I'm sure it's really because of the exaggerated symbolism of medieval art, etc.):

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